Category: Membership Updates


It is time to begin the nomination and election process for the 2019 OCMA Board of Directors. The “OCMA NOMINATION FORM for the 2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS” form is now posted on the OCMA website (, under “Latest News.” The seats currently held by Jeff… Continue reading

OCMA Brief Helps Secure Big Win in Federal Case

OCMA Brief Helps Secure Big Win in Federal Case Banning Basing Pay Rates on Salary History OMCA is dedicated to fighting sex-based pay practices in the workplace. As an example of that, in May 2017, the OCMA was one of only three unions nationwide which… Continue reading

OCMA MOU Extension Vote Results

The OCMA Membership has voted to support the MOU Extension between the County and County Managers. This agreement extends the 2014-2017 MOU to and including June 20, 2019.  The agreement has the following important outcomes – 1. It allows for a pay increase which would be realized much sooner… Continue reading

Members Update

OCMA is currently holding an election for 2 seats on the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors. If you have not received an e-mail with instructions on how to vote, please contact OCMA at to request voting instructions. The OCMA Holiday Party is scheduled for… Continue reading

OCMA Board of Directors Election

Nominations for the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors: It is time to begin the nomination and election process for the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors.  The “OCMA NOMINATION FORM for the 2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS” form is now posted on the OCMA website (, under… Continue reading