2017 Market/Equity Review Requests
OCMA is pleased to announce that the 2017 Market/Equity Request process will begin now, with the goal of completion by the end of October 2017.
An equity request can be brought forward by a County Department or by OCMA, on behalf of individual managers. It is unknown how many equity requests will be brought forward from County Departments this year, but OCMA will bring forward viable manager’s equity requests for analysis/consideration.
The 2017 Market Equity Request format is available on the OCMA website, www.ocma.info, by clicking on the link under Topics of Interest on the home page.
Please submit a form, with justification and organization charts, only if you believe there is a SIGNIFICANT inequity (5% or greater) in your pay when compared to your specific peer positions.
There is not unlimited funding attached to this process and increases are discretionary. Therefore, the following is a list of guidelines we agreed to with the County:
- Market/Equity increases shall not exceed twelve (12) percent
- Market/Equity increases shall not cause a manager’s salary to exceed the advertised maximum rate of the applicable salary schedule
- To be eligible, a manager must pass probation in his/her current classification by no later than August 4, 2017
- To be eligible, the current inequity is to be five (5) percent or greater.
- A manager is ineligible for consideration of an increase if he/she received an increase from the 2016 Equity/Market adjustment process
- Documented performance issues/concerns will be considered as a basis to deny a Market/Equity adjustment
- Length of service in current assignment (as well as length of service of comparable managers) can be considered in the analysis of the requests
Please submit your 2017 Equity Requests (complete with request form, justification and organization chart) to OCMA by dropping it off at the office (if the office is locked, simply slip it under the door), mailing it to the office, or scanning and e-mailing it to mmcdorman@ocma.info – prior to 5:00 pm on August 4, 2017. You will receive an e-mail confirmation that OCMA has received your request (only if a current personal or County e-mail address is provided). Late forms will not be accepted for any reason.
IMPORTANT: This process is completely discretionary. The County, and only the County, has the authority to grant or deny any request. This process is not for those managers who desire or feels she or he deserves a performance or time based wage increase. This process has been agreed to in order to provide the County a method to adjust salaries and uses factors such as external market data, internal salary relationships, position responsibilities, and sound management principles to determine an adjustment.