Category: Contract Negotiations
OCMA Update 12-21-2015
As you may or may not be aware, OCEA has come to an agreement with the County on a new MOU. The OCEA MOU’s (they have several separate units) have not only differences (higher) in pay increases from what OCMA received, but in addition, the… Continue reading
OCMA MOU Update 12-08-2015
On December 8, 2015, the Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) negotiated with the Orange County Managers Association (OCMA). According to the terms and conditions of the MOU, the first pay increase of 1.75% (2.75% for Probation… Continue reading
OCMA MOU Voting Results
The results of the vote by the OCMA membership on the County’s MOU offer has concluded. By a majority of the votes cast, the OCMA membership has accepted the offer from the County. Three of the Board of Directors participated in the counting of the ballots,… Continue reading
OCMA Membership Update
Hello Orange County Managers! We are well into the New Year and we would like to update the membership on what is going on in a number of areas of concern. First and foremost, we are in negotiations with the County for a successor MOU… Continue reading
Retirement Rate Calculator
2014-15 OCMA Retirement Rate Calculator