Yearly Archives: 2017
Members Update
OCMA is currently holding an election for 2 seats on the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors. If you have not received an e-mail with instructions on how to vote, please contact OCMA at to request voting instructions. The OCMA Holiday Party is scheduled for… Continue reading
OCMA Board of Directors Election
Nominations for the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors: It is time to begin the nomination and election process for the 2018 OCMA Board of Directors. The “OCMA NOMINATION FORM for the 2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS” form is now posted on the OCMA website (, under… Continue reading
Membership Update 08-21-2017
Membership Update – Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback regarding OCMA recent update concerning membership dues. Your feedback is important and we truly take into consideration all of your ideas and concerns. Just as an FYI, we have received both positive and negative… Continue reading
Membership Dues
Membership Update – Since the inception of OCMA in September of 2004, membership dues have remained constant at $10 per pay period. Fortunately, dues in the early years were adequate to cover operational costs and we were able to build enough reserves to maintain an… Continue reading
OCMA Board of Directors Election Update
Board of Directors Election – The election for the vacant seat on the OCMA Board of Directors has concluded and we are pleased to announce that Brian Johnson (AM III) from Probation has been voted by the membership to take a seat as the Member-at-Large… Continue reading