The Orange County Managers Association (OCMA) By-Laws require that members of the Board of Directors be elected by a free and democratic election. The election for three OCMA Board members is scheduled to be concluded by November 30, 2014. Any member seeking candidacy for an office on the Board of Directors must:
- Be a member in good standing of OCMA
- Submit to the OCMA office a Nomination Authorization signed by himself/herself on or before September 30, 2014.
If you are interested in nomination, please complete the Nomination Form (located on the website – Click on “About OCMA” then on “Forms”), sign it and ensure that it reaches OCMA by 5:00 pm on Sept 30, 2014 to ensure inclusion on the ballot. The completed Nomination Form must be mailed to the OCMA Office, 600 W. Santa Ana Blvd, Suite 114-F, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or faxed to 714-953-6262, or hand delivered to the OCMA office.