The ballots for the election of the OCMA Board of Directors have been sent via US Mail to the OCMA membership. Included with the ballot is a brief bio of those who are running for the Board. The bios will also be posted on the website. In addition, those running for office are invited to the OCMA General Membership Meeting, scheduled for October 29th in the HOA BOS Meeting Room, to address the members in attendance.
Members are encouraged to mail in their ballots in the provided return envelope (the member’s return address must be on the envelope in order to have their votes(s) counted) or members may bring their ballots to the membership meeting and submit them there after hearing the nominees speak. One may also bring their ballot to the OCMA office prior to the submission deadline of October 31, 2014.
Once the ballots are tallied, the membership will be notified of the results by e-mail and the results will also be posted on the website.
The OCMA Membership meeting’s agenda will be posted on the website the week of October 20th . Limited agendas will be available at the meeting, so please print one for yourself and bring to the meeting on the 29th.