It is time to begin the nomination and election process for the 2019 OCMA Board of Directors. The “OCMA NOMINATION FORM for the 2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS” form is now posted on the OCMA website (, under “Latest News.”
The seats currently held by Jeff Corp, the current OCMA Vice President, Phil Daigneau, the current OCMA Secretary and Brian Johnson, the current OCMA Member at-Large are up for election. If you wish to run for one of the Board of Director seats, please complete the form and return it to OCMA as per the directions on the form. Each seat is for a 2-year term.
Completed nomination forms are due to the OCMA office by 5:00 pm on 11-1-18.
Shortly after 11-1-18 you will be asked to provide a brief five-sentence narrative as to why you are seeking office which will be accessible for members to view on the ballot. The voting will begin on November 15 and run through November 30, 2018.